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Hello, fellow helicopter enthusiasts! šŸš Today, Iā€™m diving deep into the world of mini helicopters, and boy, do I have a treat for you!

Iā€™ve been playing around with the Syma S107he and the Syma S50H, and Iā€™m here to spill the beans on my experience. So, buckle up, and letā€™s get this chopper talk underway!

If you would prefer to watch my entire comparison of my Syma S107he (Blue new model) Vs Syma S50H RC Helicopter you can find it in the video below:

You can also find the items to learn more or purchase them at the links below:

Syma S107he (Blue new model):

Syma S50H RC Helicopter:

The Charging Conundrum

Ah, the first thing that struck me was the charging scenario. The Syma S107he, the blue beauty, has a plug-in charger, making it a breeze to charge.

Just plug it into the side, and voilĆ , youā€™re good to go! No battery in and out shenanigans here.

  • Ease of Use: Itā€™s as easy as pie, really. I mean, who wants to wrestle with batteries when there are helicopters to fly?
  • Durability: Given that thereā€™s no constant battery removal, I reckon this method is bound to be more durable in the long run.

Now, the Syma S50H is a different beast. It has a tiny power cord and a battery that needs to be pulled out and disconnected from the helicopter for charging.

Itā€™s like performing surgery every time!

  • Hassle Alert!: Itā€™s a bit of a hassle, especially with those itty bitty tiny pins in the charger. Iā€™m always worried about damaging something.
  • Size Matters: The S50H is considerably larger, making it a big high helicopter. If size is your thing, this oneā€™s for you!

Controller Chronicles

Moving on to the controllers, the Syma S107he and the Syma S50H have different ones, and I have my preference. The controller for the S107he is more to my liking. Itā€™s sleek, itā€™s chic, and it does the job splendidly.

  • Functionality: Both controllers work the same, but the S107heā€™s just feels right, you know?
  • Connection: Connecting is a breeze. Turn the power on, push up and down, and youā€™re connected. Itā€™s like making a new friend!

Lighting the Way

Now, letā€™s talk about the lights. The Syma S107he has lights on the sides and the front, making it a dazzling spectacle in the sky.

Itā€™s like a flying disco ball, and who doesnā€™t love that?

  • Visibility: The lights make it easy to spot, especially when youā€™re pulling off those daring night-time maneuvers.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: It adds a lot to the helicopterā€™s overall appeal. Itā€™s not just about flying; itā€™s about flying in style!

The Syma S50H, on the other hand, has a single light on the front. Itā€™s like the strong, silent type of the helicopter world.

The Final Verdict

Alright, itā€™s decision time! If I had to pick one, Iā€™d go for the blue Syma S107he. The lights are a fantastic touch, and the charging method is just so convenient.

  • Ease and Features: The easier charging and the better lights make the S107he a winner in my book. Itā€™s about the overall experience, and this one takes the cake!
  • Size and Preference: If youā€™re into larger helicopters, the Syma S50H might be your pick. Itā€™s all about what you prefer in your flying companion.

In conclusion, both the Syma S107he and the Syma S50H are decent picks, each with its unique charm. Itā€™s like choosing between chocolate and vanilla; both are delightful in their own way!

So, happy flying, and may your skies be clear and your landings smooth! šŸš