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Hello, fellow garden enthusiasts and water warriors! Today, I’m diving deep into the world of hose nozzles.

Yes, you read that right. Hose nozzles. Because let’s face it, in the grand theatre of gardening, the hose nozzle is the unsung hero. And today’s star? The Twinkle Star Hose Nozzles.

Let’s get sprinkling!

If you would prefer to watch a video of my full review of this brass sprayer nozzle that I purchased you can find it in the video below:

You can also find the item to learn more or purchase it by clicking here.

First Impressions: What’s in the Box?

  • Two Nozzles: One long, one short. It’s like the Goldilocks of hose nozzles. But instead of porridge, we’re dealing with water pressure.
  • Rubber Washers: Not one, not two, but multiple! They even threw in some extras. Because who doesn’t love a good bonus?

Now, let’s break down these two nozzles, shall we?

Nozzle Numero Uno: The Constant Companion

This little guy is always on. Like that friend who’s perpetually ready for a night out. No on-off switch here!


  • Sturdy Build: Made of brass, it’s solid and feels like it could survive a minor apocalypse. Or at least, my garden adventures.
  • Not Easily Bent: I gave it the squeeze test. It passed with flying colors. Though, running it over with a car? Let’s not try that today.


  • Tiny Nozzle Opening: It’s a bit on the small side. I mean, I like surprises, but I was hoping for a bit more…oomph.

Nozzle Number Two: The Twisty Turny One

This one’s got moves! You can twist it on and off, making it the dancing partner of the nozzle world.


  • Adjustable Spray Patterns: From a gentle sprinkle to a powerful jet, this nozzle’s got range.
  • Distance: This baby can shoot water up to 40-45 feet. That’s like, 10 garden gnomes lined up!


  • Initial Stiffness: The first couple of twists might require some muscle. But hey, who needs the gym when you’ve got a hose nozzle workout?
  • Small Nozzle Opening: Again, a tad small for my liking. But hey, size isn’t everything, right?

Water Pressure: The Ultimate Test

Both nozzles, despite their petite openings, delivered a solid stream. The second nozzle even had different spray patterns, ranging from a gentle sprinkle (perfect for those delicate flowers) to a powerful jet (for those days when the patio just won’t come clean).

The Leak Test

Drumroll, please… Neither nozzle leaked! That’s right. No unexpected showers or impromptu wet clothing here.

Those rubber washers are clearly working overtime.

Final Thoughts

If you’re in the market for some new hose nozzles, the Twinkle Star pack might just be your new best friend. They’re sturdy, versatile, and leak-proof.

Just remember to give nozzle number two a good twist before you start your watering adventures.

Happy watering, folks! And remember, in the world of gardening, it’s all about the little things. Or in this case, the nozzle things. 😉🌱💦