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Today, I’m diving into the world of quirky toys and giving you the lowdown on the Shashibo Magic Box. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to hold a little piece of magic in your hands, then buckle up, because this is going to be one whimsical ride!

If you would prefer to watch a video of my full review of this Shashibo Magic Cube that I got for my kids you can find it in the video below:

You can also find the item to learn more or purchase it by clicking here.

What’s in the Box? Or… What IS the Box?

  • Shape-shifting wonder: This isn’t just any box; it’s a shape-shifting marvel! With the ability to morph into a variety of shapes, this box is like the chameleon of the toy world. One moment it’s a cube, the next it’s… well, something else entirely!
  • App-tastic: While you can play with this box without any digital assistance, there’s an app for those who want to dive deeper. The “fun in motion toys” app will guide you through the myriad of shapes this box can take. It’s like having a magical guide in your pocket!

Playing with the Magic

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of playing with this box. It’s not just about opening it; it’s about how you open it.

  • Pulling Points: The box invites you to grab a point and start pulling. But here’s the catch – not all points give in! It’s like a mini treasure hunt, where the treasure is a new shape waiting to be discovered.
  • Fidgety Fun: If you’re the kind of person who can’t sit still, this is the toy for you. It’s like the sophisticated cousin of the fidget spinner. You can shift, twist, and turn to your heart’s content.

The Shape of Things

The Shashibo Magic Box boasts a whopping 70 shapes! That’s right, 70! It’s like the Swiss Army knife of toys. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

  • Gentle Gestures: This box isn’t a fan of rough play. No pressing or pushing too hard. It’s more of a waltz than a mosh pit.
  • Color Coordinated: When you’ve hit the jackpot and created a shape, you’ll often find it’s the same color on one or both sides. It’s the box’s way of giving you a thumbs up!

Who’s It For?

This toy is intriguing, no doubt. But is it for everyone?

  • Age Advisory: The company suggests it’s suitable for those aged eight and up. But from my personal experience, I’d say 10+ is a safer bet. My eight-year-old son looked at it with a twinkle in his eye that screamed, “I’m going to rip this apart!” So, tread carefully.
  • Rubik’s Cube Fans: If you’ve ever tried to solve a Rubik’s Cube and ended up throwing it across the room (just me?), then this might be a more relaxing alternative. There’s no “right” solution, just endless fun.

Final Thoughts

The Shashibo Magic Box is a delightful enigma. It’s playful, challenging, and downright magical. Whether you’re looking to kill some time or challenge your brain, this toy is a whimsical addition to any collection.

And if you ever figure out all 70 shapes, give me a shout. We can start a club!

Until next time, keep playing and stay magical! 🪄📦