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Ahoy, fellow fishing aficionados! 🎣 Today, I’m diving deep into the world of lures, specifically the Truscend Crawdad/Shrimp Lures.

I’ve been on the hunt for the perfect lure to spice up my fishing game, and I think I’ve found a contender! So, grab your fishing poles and let’s dive into this real review with real video insights!

If you would prefer to watch my entire review of my Truscend Crawdad/ Shrimp Lures you can find it in the video below:

You can also find the item to learn more or purchase it by clicking here.

A First Glance at Truscend Crawdad/Shrimp Lures

Alright, so these lures are designed to mimic crawdads, and they come equipped with hooks ready to snag those elusive fish. They’re pretty hefty, which, in my book, means they should fly pretty well.

I tied one onto my fishing pole and threw it out, eager to see how it would perform.

  • Design: The design is quite realistic, with the lure resembling a crawdad, making it an attractive snack for the fish.
  • Weight: It’s on the heavier side, which aids in achieving a long cast.
  • Movement: The tail movement is noteworthy, adding to the lure’s overall appeal.

Casting Experience with Truscend

Casting this lure was a breeze! It’s heavy, so it flies really well, achieving a really long cast, which is a big plus in my fishing book.

I let it sink down, my eyes peeled to see if I would catch anything. The weight definitely works in favor when it comes to casting, giving it a good, solid throw into the water.

  • Ease of Casting: The weight aids in easy and far casting.
  • Sinking: It sinks well, reaching the depths where the fish are lurking.
  • Performance: The lure moves slowly across the bottom, mimicking real crawdad movement.

Fishing with Truscend: A Mossy Affair

Now, here’s the real catch (pun intended! 🐟). This lure is pretty heavy, so it does collect a good amount of moss when going across the bottom of the pond or river.

It’s like giving the fish a side salad with their main course! So, while you’re reeling in, you might find some greenery attached to your lure.

  • Moss Collection: Expect to collect some moss due to the lure’s weight and movement.
  • Reeling Speed: A decent reeling speed is needed to keep it off the bottom and avoid collecting too much moss.
  • Fishing Environment: Ideal for ponds or rivers with a substantial amount of bottom vegetation.

The Sinking Saga: A Deep Dive

Because of its weight, the Truscend Crawdad/Shrimp Lure sinks down a good amount. It’s something to keep in mind when you’re fishing with it.

You’re going to need to reel pretty decently if you’re going to keep it off the bottom. Otherwise, it’s just going to move kind of slowly across the bottom, giving the fish a good look before they decide to bite!

  • Depth Reach: The lure reaches a good depth due to its weight.
  • Reeling Technique: A faster reeling technique is preferable to avoid the lure dragging at the bottom.
  • Fish Attraction: The slow movement at the bottom can attract more observant fish.

The Tail Movement: Dance of Attraction

I must say, the movement the tail has on it is quite impressive. It sways and moves in a way that should definitely catch some fish’s attention.

It’s like the lure is doing a little dance, inviting the fish to join the party! I’m looking forward to seeing how many fish will be enticed by this dancing crawdad.

  • Tail Design: The tail is designed to mimic real crawdad movement, adding to the lure’s realism.
  • Attractiveness: The movement makes the lure more attractive to fish.
  • Expectation: High hopes for catching more fish due to the lure’s appealing movement.

Final Thoughts: To Truscend or Not to Truscend

In conclusion, the Truscend Crawdad/Shrimp Lures are a hefty, realistic, and attractive option for those looking to up their fishing game. The weight aids in casting, the design is appealing, and the movement is enticing.

However, be prepared for some moss collection and practice your reeling to keep it from dragging. I’m definitely looking forward to using it more and seeing how many fish I can catch with this dancing crawdad!


  • Realistic Design
  • Long Casting Ability
  • Appealing Movement


  • Moss Collection
  • Requires Decent Reeling Speed

So, there you have it, my real review of the Truscend Crawdad/Shrimp Lures with real video insights! Happy fishing, and may your catch be plentiful and your lures be moss-free! 🎣