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Ever found yourself in the drone aisle, your eyes glazing over the sea of options, and you just can’t decide which flying tech buddy to bring home? Well, buckle up, my friend, because I’m about to take you on a flight through the clouds with my latest gadget adventure.

I’ve got my hands on two of Syma’s finest mini drones, and let me tell you, it’s been a whirlwind of propellers and LED lights.

If you would prefer to watch my entire comparison of my Syma X660 Drone Vs Syma X200 Drone you can find it in the video below:

You can also find the items to learn more or purchase them by clicking below:

Syma X660 Drone

Syma X200 Drone

The Pocket-Sized Powerhouse: Syma X200 Drone

Let’s kick things off with the Syma X200 Drone, a nifty little number that’s as portable as your favorite paperback. This drone is so compact it comes folded up in its own case, like a little Transformer waiting to spring into action.

Unfolding the X200 is like origami that gets you ready to soar – just pop it out, and voila, you’re practically airborne!

What’s in the Box?

  • Syma X200 Drone
  • Foldable wings for that sweet, sweet compactness
  • A controller that doubles as a drone-hugger

Now, don’t let its size fool you. This drone may be small, but it’s mighty in spirit.

The controller is a neat little package that holds the drone snugly inside. It’s like a drone in a drone’s nest – droneception, if you will.

The Light Show in the Sky: Syma X660 Drone

Moving on to the star of the show, the Syma X660 Drone. This bad boy is the X200’s flashier cousin, with a light show that would make a disco ball jealous.

It cycles through a kaleidoscope of colors, and with red and green lights on the underside, you’re basically piloting a flying Christmas tree – and who doesn’t love Christmas?

Why the X660 Wins My Heart

  • A variety of LED lights for that wow factor
  • Charges via USB-C (welcome to the future, baby!)
  • A protective cage around the propellers (safety first!)

The USB-C charging is a game-changer. No more fiddling with tiny, fragile cords that look like they could snap if you sneeze too hard.

The X660 is all about that sturdy, modern life.

The Controllers: A Tale of Two Styles

Let’s talk controllers, shall we? The X200’s controller is like a Rubik’s cube – it’s cool at first, but after a while, you just want a good old-fashioned puzzle.

It’s boxy, it’s bulky, and I have a sneaking suspicion it’s going to feel like a brick after ten minutes of flying.

On the flip side, the X660’s controller is your trusty sidekick. It’s the traditional style you know and love, like the comfortable grip of your favorite gaming console.

It’s the kind of controller that whispers, “Let’s go on an adventure,” and you trust it with your life… or at least your drone’s life.

Indoor Flight: A Cozy Affair

Both drones are designed for indoor use, which means you can fly them while lounging in your pajamas. Size-wise, they’re like twins separated at birth – similar dimensions, but with very different personalities.

Calibration and Setup: A Necessary Ritual

Before you get to the fun part, there’s a little thing called calibration. Both drones need it fresh out of the box, like a puppy that needs to be house-trained.

It’s a small price to pay for the joy they bring.

Final Verdict: Which Drone Takes the Crown?

If I had to pick a favorite (and it feels like choosing between waffles and pancakes – tough, but someone’s got to do it), I’d crown the Syma X660 Drone the ruler of my airspace.

The protective cage is like a knight’s armor for your propellers, and the USB-C charging is like sipping a fine wine after years of boxed juice.

Why the Syma X660 Drone is My New Best Friend:

  • It’s got a light show that could lead ships home
  • The USB-C charging port is the cherry on top
  • That protective cage – because I’m all about drone safety

So there you have it, folks. The tale of two drones, a saga of flight and fancy.

Whether you’re a drone newbie or a seasoned pilot, the Syma X660 is the trusty steed you want in your stable. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some aerial acrobatics to attend to – and maybe a pancake or two.

Fly safe, and keep those propellers spinning!