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Ah, the joy of unboxing a new gadget! Today, we’re diving into the world of drones with the Syma X660 Drone.

So, buckle up, and let’s embark on this high-flying journey together!

If you would prefer to watch my entire review of my Syma X660 Drone you can find it in the video below:

You can also find the item to learn more or purchase it by clicking here.

Unboxing and First Impressions

Unboxing the Syma X660 was like unwrapping a present on Christmas morning. Inside, we find:

  • Instructions: A must-have for drone newbies and pros alike.
  • Extra Propellers: Because let’s face it, accidents happen!
  • Charging Cord: And guess what? It’s a USB-C!

USB-C Charging: A Pleasant Surprise

The USB-C charging feature is a breath of fresh air. Many drones come with, let’s say, less-than-impressive chargers or require you to remove and charge the batteries.

The USB-C is a super nice touch, making the charging process a breeze. It’s like Syma read our minds and knew exactly what we needed!

The Controller: A Mixed Bag

Now, let’s talk about the controller. It’s straightforward with basic functions, making it user-friendly.

However, it requires four AAA batteries, and here’s the kicker, they are not included! So, if you’re planning to gift this drone, throw in some batteries, unless you enjoy seeing disappointed faces.

Rechargeable Controller: A Wishful Thought

The drone is rechargeable, but the controller isn’t. It’s like having a fancy car but needing to change its tires every time you drive it!

Oh, how we wish the controller could recharge via USB-C. It would make the whole package a lot more harmonious and, let’s be honest, convenient!

Pairing and Basic Functions

Pairing the drone with the controller is as easy as pie. A simple push up and down on the controller, and voilà, the lights on the drone go solid, indicating a successful pairing.

The basic functions are intuitive: push up to turn on the blades and down to shut them off. There’s even a one-button takeoff for those of us who can’t wait to get our drone airborne!

Calibration: A Necessary Evil

Most RC drones, including our Syma X660, need a bit of calibration love straight out of the factory. If your drone is drifting left or right, fear not!

The instruction manual is your best friend, guiding you through the calibration process. It’s like teaching your drone to walk before it can run!

Indoor vs. Outdoor Use: A Personal Preference

Syma recommends using the X660 indoors. However, for those of us who value our TVs and vases, the great outdoors is the way to go!

There’s something liberating about watching your drone soar through the open skies, without the fear of it crashing into your favorite lamp.

Color-Changing Feature: A Visual Treat

The Syma X660 doesn’t just fly; it puts on a light show! The drone constantly changes colors, flaunting green and blue lights all around. It’s like having your personal disco ball lighting up the sky!

It adds a fun and visually pleasing element to the flying experience, making it a hit at parties or nighttime adventures.

Final Thoughts: A Joyful Experience

Overall, the Syma X660 Drone is a delightful piece of technology. The USB-C charging feature and the color-changing lights are the cherries on top.

However, the non-rechargeable controller leaves us wanting more. It’s like being served a delicious cake but without the icing!

Improvements and Wishes

  • Rechargeable Controller: Syma, if you’re listening, make the controller rechargeable! It would elevate the user experience to new heights.
  • Included Batteries: Throwing in some AAA batteries would be a sweet gesture, saving us a trip to the store.

Conclusion: A High-Flying Adventure

The Syma X660 Drone offers a thrilling and enjoyable flying experience. It’s user-friendly, visually stunning, and the USB-C charging is a game-changer.

Despite the minor drawbacks, it’s a fantastic gadget for drone enthusiasts and beginners alike. So, get ready to take to the skies and embark on countless high-flying adventures with the Syma X660 Drone!