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Hey there, RC enthusiasts and curious onlookers! Ever wondered if a mini RC helicopter can bring as much joy as its full-sized counterparts?

Well, you’re in luck! I’ve taken the plunge and got myself a Syma S107G RC Helicopter, and let me tell you, it’s a pocket-sized powerhouse of fun! Stick around as I dive deep into this little marvel, and yes, there’s a real video to back it all up!

If you would prefer to watch my entire review of my Syma S107G RC Helicopter you can find it in the video below:

You can also find the item to learn more or purchase it by clicking here.

What’s in the Box?

First things first, let’s talk about the unboxing experience. The Syma S107G comes with:

  • The RC Helicopter (duh!)
  • A remote control
  • A charging cord
  • An extra blade

The helicopter is safely secured with twist ties, so don’t go yanking it out like you’re pulling weeds; you might break something. Gently turn it over and untwist those ties. It’s like unwrapping a Christmas gift, but with a bit more finesse.

The Remote Control: A Battery Guzzler

Now, let’s talk about the remote control. This thing is a battery guzzler! It takes not one, not two, but six double-A batteries!

I mean, come on, Syma, ever heard of rechargeable remotes? It’s like they’re trying to single-handedly keep the battery industry afloat.

  • Weight: The remote gets noticeably heavier with all those batteries.
  • Controls: Standard, but responsive.
  • Battery Requirement: Six double-A batteries (Did I mention that already?)

If you’re planning to gift this to someone, make sure you throw in a pack of batteries. Trust me, they’ll thank you later.

Charging and Battery Life

Alright, moving on to the charging aspect. The Syma S107G comes with a tiny yellow charging cord that plugs into an equally tiny port on the helicopter.

It’s so small, you’ll feel like a jeweler trying to fit a diamond into a setting.

  • Charging Port: Tiny but functional.
  • Charging Time: Quick enough to keep the fun going.
  • Cord Quality: Could be better; feels a bit flimsy.

The good news is, the helicopter itself is rechargeable. So, at least Syma got that part right!

Flying the Syma S107G

Now, let’s get to the fun part—flying this baby! To pair the helicopter with the remote, you’ll need to do a little dance with the controls—push up, then down, and voila, you’re connected!

But hold your horses; it’s not all smooth sailing from here.

  • Trimming: You’ll need to adjust the helicopter’s flight, especially if you notice it flying sideways like a crab.
  • Controls: Responsive but require some getting used to.
  • Age Recommendation: 14 and up, because you’ll need the patience of a saint to trim this thing properly.

It’s a bit annoying that there’s no automatic trim option. I mean, it’s 2023, Syma! But once you get the hang of it, it’s a blast!

Final Thoughts

So, is the Syma S107G RC Helicopter worth it? Absolutely! It’s a fantastic toy for teens and adults who have the patience to master its quirks. It’s not ideal for younger kids, but hey, more fun for us grown-ups, right?

  • Pros: Compact, rechargeable, and a whole lot of fun.
  • Cons: The remote’s battery requirement and the need for manual trimming.

In summary, the Syma S107G is a pocket rocket that promises hours of indoor fun. Just stock up on those double-A batteries, and you’re good to go!

So there you have it, folks! A real, in-depth review of the Syma S107G RC Helicopter, complete with all the highs and lows (pun intended). Now go ahead, check out the real video, and let me know what you think!