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Ahoy, fellow car enthusiasts! Ever been on the hunt for that magical potion to get rid of the pesky brake dust on your wheels?

Well, join me on this wild ride as I dive deep into the world of wheel cleaners and give you the lowdown on the P&S Brake Buster Wheel Cleaner. And guess what? I’ve got a real video to back up my claims.

No smoke and mirrors here, just pure, unadulterated truth! 🚗💨

If you would prefer to watch my entire review of my P&S Brake Buster Wheel Cleaner you can find it in the video below:

You can also find the item to learn more or purchase it by clicking here.

The Quest for the Perfect Wheel Cleaner

Let’s set the scene. I’ve been on a never-ending quest to find the perfect wheel cleaner. Brake dust has been the bane of my existence.

It’s like that one relative who overstays their welcome during the holidays. You know the one. Every time I thought I had my wheels sparkling, that pesky brake dust would make a grand re-entrance.

Enter the P&S Brake Buster Wheel Cleaner. With a name like that, it’s got to be good, right? Or so I thought…

  • First Impressions: The packaging screams “I mean business!” It’s part of the Double Black, Rinny Doyle collection. Sounds fancy, doesn’t it? I half expected it to come with a tuxedo.
  • Application: The instructions recommend a power wash post-application. So, being the diligent car lover I am, I power washed one half of my wheel and sprayed the P&S Brake Buster on the other half. A little experiment, if you will. For science!

The Moment of Truth

After a suspense-filled minute (yes, I counted), I sprayed off the cleaner. Drumroll, please… The results? Well, let’s just say it was like comparing two siblings.

One’s the overachiever, and the other… well, let’s not go there.

  • Comparison: The side with the P&S Brake Buster was cleaner, but not by a landslide. It was like comparing two shades of grey. Fifty shades, anyone? 😜
  • Scrub-a-Dub: Here’s the kicker. Even after using the cleaner, I still had to scrub. Yep, you heard that right. It wasn’t the spray-and-forget solution I was hoping for. But hey, a little elbow grease never hurt anyone, right?

Quantity Matters

Now, let’s talk about the quantity. If you’re thinking of using this regularly, be prepared to stock up. I used a decent amount on just one wheel.

At this rate, I might need a subscription!

  • Usage: After just one wheel, the bottle level dropped faster than my hopes of a brake dust-free life. If you’re using this regularly, you might want to consider buying shares in the company. Just saying.
  • Pro Tip: Instead of going all out, maybe use it as a spot cleaner. You know, for those stubborn spots that refuse to budge.

Final Verdict

So, would I recommend the P&S Brake Buster Wheel Cleaner? Well, it’s not the magical solution I was hoping for, but it does give that extra oomph when dealing with stubborn brake dust.

It’s like having a sidekick. Not the superhero, but hey, every Batman needs a Robin.


  • Fancy packaging (I’m a sucker for aesthetics)
  • Does give better results than just water


  • Requires scrubbing
  • Quantity runs out faster than my patience with brake dust

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a complete no-scrub solution, this might not be it. But if you need a little extra help in your battle against brake dust, give the P&S Brake Buster Wheel Cleaner a shot.

And remember, keep those wheels shiny and your humor intact! 🚗✨😂