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Oh, the joys of modern living! Today, I’m diving deep into the world of robotic cleanliness, and I’m bringing you along for the ride!

We’re talking about the LiveCast Roomba Brushes Set, a generic version that promises to keep our beloved Roombas at peak performance. So, grab your cleaning gloves and let’s get started!

If you would prefer to watch my entire review of my LiveCast Brush Set for iRobot Roomba you can find it in the video below:

You can also find the item to learn more or purchase it by clicking here.

Unboxing and First Impressions

Ah, the unboxing! It’s like Christmas morning, but with cleaning supplies.

The LiveCast Roomba Brushes Set comes with brushes, air filters, and corner brushes. It’s like the Swiss Army knife of cleaning accessories!

  • Brushes: These are the stars of the show! They’re here to replace your old, worn-out brushes and give your Roomba a new lease on life.
  • Air Filters: Because who doesn’t love breathing clean air? It’s like giving your lungs a vacation!
  • Corner Brushes: These little guys are the unsung heroes, reaching all those tricky corners and edges.

Now, these are the generic versions, so they’re a bit different from the ones you’d get directly from iRobot. But hey, variety is the spice of life, right?

Comparing with iRobot Brushes

Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty! The main difference between the LiveCast brushes and the iRobot brushes is in the channels.

The LiveCast ones have much bigger channels and are a bit on the flimsier side. It’s like comparing a sturdy oak tree to a flexible willow!

  • Channels: The LiveCast brushes have larger channels, making them more flexible and adaptable.
  • Ends: Both brushes have ends that pop off, making them similar to the iRobot brushes in functionality.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “But what about the performance?” Well, let’s find out!

Installation and Fitting

Installing the new brushes was like a breeze on a hot summer day! The light green one goes on the bottom, and there are handy instructions inside the Roomba.

It’s like having a little helper whispering in your ear!

  • Fit: The LiveCast filters are a tighter fit than the original ones, but nothing too troublesome. It’s like squeezing into your favorite pair of jeans after a hearty meal!
  • Brushing Up: The LiveCast brushes do stick out a bit and brush up against each other. It’s like they’re giving each other a little high five!

And guess what? The set also comes with replacement filters and a little brush with a screwdriver to replace it. Talk about being prepared!

Performance and Sound

Alright, the moment of truth! I put my Roomba to the test with its new accessories, and it ran as normal.

However, because the brushes were having a little dance party down there, it did result in a louder cleaning sound. It’s like having a mini rock concert in your living room!

  • Cleaning Sound: The LiveCast set gives a louder cleaning sound, especially on hard floors. It’s like your Roomba is singing its cleaning song with extra gusto!
  • On Carpets: The sound isn’t as noticeable on carpets. It’s like the carpet is absorbing all the musical vibes!

But hey, a little extra noise is a small price to pay for a clean floor, right?

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

So, what’s the verdict on the LiveCast Roomba Brushes Set? I’m definitely happy with it!

It’s like giving your Roomba a spa day, complete with a makeover!

  • Overall Satisfaction: The LiveCast set is a winner in my book. It’s like finding a hidden gem in the world of cleaning accessories!
  • Consideration: The louder cleaning sound is something to consider, but it’s like having a little cleaning symphony in your home!

In conclusion, if you’re looking to give your Roomba a little TLC, the LiveCast Roomba Brushes Set is the way to go. It’s like a breath of fresh air for your robotic buddy!

Keep on cleaning, my friends, and may your floors be forever crumb-free!