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Ever found yourself in the midst of a home remodel, paint splattering, and suddenly you’re struck by the beauty of a doorknob? No? Just me?

Well, folks, strap in because I’m about to take you on a riveting journey through the ups and downs of installing the Kwikset Juno Privacy Lock Door Knob. It’s the little things that make a house a home, and this little thing deserves a drumroll.

If you would prefer to watch my entire review of my Kwikset Juno Privacy Door Knob you can find it in the video below:

You can also find the item to learn more or purchase it by clicking here.

The Unboxing – A Treasure Trove of Door Knob Delights

Let’s kick things off with what’s in the box. It’s like Christmas morning but for home improvement enthusiasts. The Kwikset Juno comes with all the trinkets you need:

  • Two knobs (one for each side of the door, obviously)
  • The latch mechanism (that’s the thingamajig that goes into the door)
  • Strike plate (for the door jamb, to catch the latch)

It’s like the Kwikset folks have thought of everything. And the best part? No extra trip to the hardware store. It’s all here, folks.

The Aesthetic – Sleek, Chic, and Oh-So-Stylish

Now, let’s talk design. The Kwikset Juno is like the little black dress of doorknobs. It’s sleek, it’s chic, and it complements just about any door you put it on.

During my remodel, which, by the way, was like navigating a minefield of paint cans and drop cloths, this knob stood out. It’s got a classic look with a modern twist—like it could go to a fancy dinner but also knows how to work a casual brunch.

The Installation – A Journey of Discovery

Installing this bad boy was a journey. Not “Frodo-going-to-Mordor” epic, but more like “I-didn’t-know-I-could-do-this” kind of way. The instructions were clear, and everything fit where it was supposed to.

But here’s a pro tip: paint first, install later. Unless you want to turn your shiny new knob into a modern art piece with accidental paint splatters.

The Functionality – Locks Like a Charm

The lock mechanism is where the Kwikset Juno shines. It’s a privacy lock, which means it’s perfect for places where, well, privacy is key.

Bedrooms, bathrooms, or even your secret lair—this knob’s got your back. And if you’ve got kids or guests who might accidentally lock themselves in, there’s a nifty little pinhole where you can work your unlocking magic.

No locksmith required.

The Verdict – A Doorknob Above the Rest

So, would I recommend the Kwikset Juno Privacy Lock Door Knob? In a heartbeat. It’s stylish, functional, and comes with everything you need for a drama-free installation.

It’s the kind of home improvement that makes you feel like an HGTV star without actually having to be handy.

In conclusion, if you’re in the market for a doorknob that combines style, function, and a touch of DIY pride, the Kwikset Juno is your guy. Or gal. Or knob.

You get the point. Happy remodeling!