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Ever stumbled upon a treasure chest that’s not filled with gold but with colors that can bring your imagination to life? That’s exactly how I felt when I got my hands on the iBayum Super Art Set.

It’s like the Swiss Army knife for any budding artist or a restless creative soul looking to splash their thoughts on paper. Let me take you on a vibrant journey through my experience with this art set that promises to be the sidekick every aspiring Picasso deserves.

If you would prefer to watch my entire review of my iBayum Super Art Set you can find it in the video below:

You can also find the item to learn more or purchase it by clicking here.

Unboxing the Rainbow

When I first gripped the plastic handle of the iBayum Super Art Set, I knew I was in for a treat. The anticipation was akin to that of a kid on Christmas morning—eager, excited, and a tad bit impatient.

The set comes in a no-frills plastic case, secured with Velcro straps that give a satisfying ‘rip’ sound every time you open it. It’s not your high-end, leather-bound art kit, but it’s got charm, and sometimes that’s all you need.

Inside, it’s a carnival of colors. The crayons, markers, and oil pastels lay neatly like soldiers ready for the command of creativity.

There’s a sense of organized chaos, the kind that only artists would appreciate. And yes, there were paper clips—random yet somehow fitting, like pineapples on pizza.

The Heart of Art

Let’s dive into the nucleus of this art set:

  • Crayons and Markers: A spectrum of colors that could rival a double rainbow. The crayons are the sturdy kind, not the ones that break with the enthusiasm of a toddler’s grip. The markers? Oh, they’re the juicy type, ready to bleed color into your art with the slightest touch.
  • Oil Pastels: These are the butter of the art world, gliding on paper like a hot knife on, well, butter. Blend them, mix them, make them dance on your canvas.
  • The Extras: Paints, a paintbrush, an eraser, and a pencil. It’s like they thought of everything. And the ruler? It’s there to remind you that while art has no boundaries, sometimes a straight line is just what you need.

The centerpiece, though, is the easil-like feature. It’s not made of sturdy oak, but it stands proud and does its job, allowing you to prop up your masterpiece-in-progress.

It’s the little touches like this that make the iBayum Super Art Set more than just a collection of art supplies.

The Creative Playground

Imagine having a mini art studio that you can carry around. That’s the vibe this art set gives off. It’s not just for kids, though they’d adore it.

It’s for anyone who gets that itch to draw, paint, or color when inspiration strikes. The variety of tools at your disposal means you can switch from crayon to pastel to paint as your muse dictates.

The crayons didn’t just stay put in their designated slots—they had a bit of an adventure during shipping, but that’s the spirit of art, isn’t it? Unpredictable and always moving.

The oil pastels are a dream, offering a creamy texture that makes blending a breeze. And the paints, they’re waiting for you to dive in and explore your artistic side.

For the Young and the Young at Heart

I got this set for my kids, aged five and eight, and it’s perfect for their energetic and free-spirited art sessions. But don’t let that fool you into thinking it’s child’s play.

This set can be a trusty companion for anyone starting out on their art journey or looking to unwind with some therapeutic coloring after a long day.

If you’re buying for a more seasoned artist or a teenager with a flair for the finer strokes, iBayum has more sophisticated options. But for a general, all-around, get-your-hands-dirty-with-colors kind of set, this one hits the sweet spot.

The Verdict

The iBayum Super Art Set is a kaleidoscope of potential. It’s not just an art set; it’s a gateway to expression, a tool for relaxation, and a teacher of the fundamental truth that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder—or in this case, the hands of the creator.

So, if you’re looking to gift a splash of joy to someone or to yourself, this art set might just be what you’re looking for. It’s affordable, it’s comprehensive, and it’s a whole lot of fun. And isn’t that what art is all about?

In the end, it’s not about the case or the brand; it’s about the stories you’ll create with a stroke of a crayon, a dab of paint, or the smudge of a pastel. The iBayum Super Art Set is your canvas, and you’re the artist. So go ahead, paint your heart out!