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Ever found yourself standing in front of your closet thinking, “Why can’t this space be as organized as my Pinterest board?” Well, you’re in luck! Today, we’re diving deep into the world of closet systems.

Yep, you heard it right! We’re comparing the ClosetMaid Closet Storage system with the good ol’ Rubbermaid. Trust me, this is the closet drama you didn’t know you needed in your life. So grab your popcorn and let’s get into it!

If you would prefer to watch my entire comparison of my Closetmaid Closet System Vs my Rubbermaid Closet Storage you can find it in the video below:

You can also find the items to learn more or purchase them by clicking below:

Closetmaid Closet System

Rubbermaid Closet Storage

The Tale of Two Closets: Setting the Stage

First things first, let’s talk about the contenders. In one corner, we have the ClosetMaid Closet Storage system, the Marie Kondo of closet systems if you will.

In the other, we have the Rubbermaid, the classic, the evergreen, the “your grandma probably had one” kind of system. Now, here’s the kicker: both are in my house!

Yep, I’ve got a smaller closet with the ClosetMaid and a slightly larger one with Rubbermaid. So, who wins the closet Olympics? Let’s find out!

  • ClosetMaid: Stackable units, metal bars, and a gazillion shelves.
  • Rubbermaid: Metal wire shelves on top, metal bars at the bottom, and a “what you see is what you get” vibe.

Space Utilization: The ClosetMaid Advantage

Let’s talk turkey. The ClosetMaid system is like the Swiss Army knife of closet systems. It’s got everything!

My smaller closet is practically a Tardis now. It’s got stackable units for clothes, bags, and even shoe bins. I’ve got tall stacks for dresses and shorter ones for my kiddo’s clothes. It’s like playing Tetris, but with your wardrobe!

  • Stackable Units: Perfect for clothes, bags, and shoe bins.
  • Multiple Levels: Tall stacks for dresses, shorter ones for kids, and even a middle one for skirts and shorts.

The Rubbermaid Reality: Basic but Reliable

Now, don’t get me wrong. The Rubbermaid system is like that reliable friend who’s always there but never the life of the party.

It’s got metal wire shelves at the top and metal bars at the bottom. It’s basic but does the job. However, it’s like a one-trick pony. You’ve got a top wire shelf and bars at the bottom, and that’s pretty much it.

No place for shoes unless you count the floor or a hanging shoe thingy on the door.

  • Metal Wire Shelves: Good for, well, whatever fits.
  • Metal Bars: Sturdy but limited to just hanging clothes.

The Nitty-Gritty: Hanging Clothes

Ah, the age-old question: “To hang or not to hang?” With ClosetMaid, you’ve got options galore! Full bars mean you can slide your hangers as much as you want. Rubbermaid, on the other hand, limits your sliding dreams.

The wire shelves mean your hangers are going to stop at every wire intersection like it’s a four-way stop sign in a small town.

  • ClosetMaid: Full bars for unlimited sliding.
  • Rubbermaid: Wire intersections that limit your sliding freedom.

The Final Verdict: ClosetMaid Takes the Cake πŸŽ‚

Alright, folks, drumroll, please! πŸ₯ After living with both, I’ve got to say, ClosetMaid is the BeyoncΓ© of closet systems. It’s versatile, it’s functional, and it makes even my smaller closet look like a walk-in wonderland.

Rubbermaid, you’re great, but it’s time to pass the crown. πŸ‘‘

So there you have it, my real, no-holds-barred review of ClosetMaid vs Rubbermaid. Whether you’re Team ClosetMaid or a Rubbermaid loyalist, remember, the best closet system is the one that makes you feel like the star you are! 🌟

Happy organizing, y’all! πŸŽ‰