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Hey there, folks! If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably spilled coffee, soda, or even an entire bowl of spaghetti on your carpet at some point. Accidents happen, right?

Well, today, I’m going to spill the beans (not literally, I promise) on a nifty little gadget that’s been a part of my household for a year and a half—maybe even two years. It’s the Bissell Little Green Machine!

Buckle up, because we’re diving deep into the world of mini carpet cleaners.

If you would prefer to watch a video of my full review of the Bissell Little Green Machine you can find it in the video below:

You can also find the item to learn more or purchase it by clicking here.

First Impressions: More Than Just a Pretty Face

When I first laid eyes on the Bissell Little Green Machine, I thought, “Wow, this thing is cute!” But let me tell you, it’s more than just a pretty face.

This compact cleaner comes with a hose that wraps neatly around the base, and a cord that tucks away at the back. It’s like the Swiss Army knife of carpet cleaners—small but mighty, and oh-so-organized!

  • Cord Storage: Tangled cords are the bane of my existence. But with this little guy, the cord wraps up neatly at the back. No more tripping over cords!
  • Hose Management: The hose wraps around the base and is held in place by a little green latch. It’s like giving your cleaner a hug every time you put it away.

The Tale of Two Tanks: Clean vs. Dirty

Alright, let’s talk tanks. The Little Green Machine has two tanks—one for clean water and soap, and the other for the dirty water sucked up from your carpet.

It’s like the Jekyll and Hyde of cleaning, but in a good way!

  • Clean Tank: This is where you put your clean water and soap mixture. It even has a handy line to show you how much soap to add. It’s like paint-by-numbers but for adults!
  • Dirty Tank: All the grime and dirt end up here. It’s like the “Room of Requirement” for all things yucky.

A Little Splash Here and There

Now, I’ve got to be honest. Filling up the clean tank can be a bit like playing a game of “Splash Zone.” You’re bound to get a few droplets here and there.

But hey, you’re about to clean anyway, right?

The Cleaning Experience: Suck It Up, Buttercup!

Once you’ve got your tanks sorted, it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty—literally. The suction on this thing is like a mini tornado, pulling up dirt and grime like nobody’s business.

  • Suction Power: The Little Green Machine has a handle with excellent suction. It’s like a vacuum cleaner and a scrub brush had a baby!
  • Brushes: The bottom of the handle has brushes that help agitate stains. It’s like having a tiny army of scrubbers working for you.

Pro Tip: Agitate to Elevate

If you’ve got a stubborn stain, don’t just rely on the suction. Give it a good scrub to agitate the stain. Trust me, it works like a charm!

The Not-So-Green Side of the Little Green Machine

Now, no product is perfect, and the Little Green Machine is no exception. The tanks are a bit tricky to clean. It’s like they were designed by someone who never had to clean a day in their life.

The plastic is one solid piece on the suction handle tip, so you can’t take it apart to give it a thorough clean. It’s like Fort Knox for dirt!

  • Cleaning the Tanks: Rinsing is about as far as you can go. It’s like giving your car a wash but never being able to clean the engine.
  • Top Doesn’t Come Off: The top part of the hand-held scrubber wand doesn’t come off, making it a bit challenging to clean. It’s like trying to brush your teeth with the cap on the toothpaste.

Final Verdict: A Keeper or a Weeper?

So, is the Bissell Little Green Machine a lifesaver or just another gadget collecting dust? Drumroll, please… It’s a keeper! Sure, it has its quirks, but don’t we all?

It’s a fantastic tool for quick clean-ups, especially if you have kids or pets. It’s like having a mini cleaning crew at your disposal, ready to tackle those small messes so you don’t have to lug out the big guns.

  • Pros: Compact, great suction, easy to use.
  • Cons: A bit splashy, and the tanks are like a dirt fortress and virtually impossible to clean entirely.

So there you have it, folks! The Bissell Little Green Machine in all its glory. It’s not perfect, but it’s darn close.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a date with a carpet stain that’s been eyeing me all day. Happy cleaning!