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Ahoy, dear readers! Today, I’m diving deep into the world of LCD writing tablets. And not just any tablet, but the Baveel LCD Writing Tablet Set.

Now, before you ask, “Did you really try it?”, the answer is a resounding YES! I even have a video to prove it.

So, buckle up, buttercup, because we’re about to embark on a wild ride of scribbles, doodles, and LCD magic!

If you would prefer to watch my entire review of my Baveel LCD Writing Tablet Set you can find it in the video below:

You can also find the item to learn more or purchase it by clicking here.

The Grand Unboxing

When the Baveel set arrived, it came in what can only be described as a container so big, it could’ve housed a small elephant.

But inside? Three glorious LCD writing tablets, each with its own personality:

  • The Top Duo: Two tablets, one pink and one mysterious, just chilling on top like the cool kids at a party.
  • The Blue Maverick: Nestled at the bottom, this one’s the rebel of the group.

And here’s a fun fact: They all had some pre-existing doodles. But fret not! A simple push of a button, and voila! Clean slate.

Unless, of course, you forget to unlock it from the back, like yours truly did. Classic me!

The Art of Writing (Without Ink)

Now, let’s talk about the pièce de résistance: the writing pens. Or should I say, the “writing thingamajigs”? Because, spoiler alert: they don’t use ink!

It’s like a stylus, but cooler. You can scribble, doodle, or even write your next bestselling novel (if you’re into super short stories).

But here’s the kicker: while there’s a hole to attach these pens to the tablet, Baveel decided to play a little game of hide and seek. The lanyards? Nowhere in sight!

So, if you’re like me and tend to lose things in the abyss of your couch, you might want to invest in some stretchy thingies to keep them together.

Meet the Tablet Trio

Each tablet in this set is unique, like snowflakes or the three musketeers:

  • The Green Frog: Not just a pretty face, this froggy is also the delete button. Ribbit!
  • The Elegant Elephant: Another delete button in disguise. And trust me, this elephant never forgets… to clear the screen.
  • The Bouncy Bunny: This one hops (get it?) between being adorable and erasing your doodles.

And the best part? They all come with a lock/unlock feature at the back. So, if you’re in the middle of creating a masterpiece, there’s no risk of accidentally erasing it.


Final Thoughts: To Baveel or Not to Baveel?

Alright, let’s get down to brass tacks. Would I recommend the Baveel LCD Writing Tablet Set? Absolutely! They’re fun, functional, and fabulous.

My kids can’t get enough of them, and honestly, neither can I.

However, there’s one tiny hiccup: the missing lanyards. But hey, nobody’s perfect, right? And if that’s the only downside, I’d say we’re on to a winner.

So, if you’re in the market for an LCD writing tablet (or three), give Baveel a whirl. And remember, always keep your stylus close, but your Baveel tablet closer!

Until next time, happy doodling! 🐸🐘🐰