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Hello, fellow gamers and tech enthusiasts! Today, I’m diving deep into a product that many of you might have come across but perhaps haven’t given much thought to: the Nintendo Switch Joycon Holder.

Let’s get right into it!

If you prefer to watch a video rather than reading th remainder of this article you can see the full review I did of my Joycon Holder below.

If you want to purchase a Switch Joycon holder it can be found by clicking here.


The Nintendo Switch Joycon Holder is a nifty little accessory designed specifically for your Joycons. At first glance, it might seem like a simple piece of plastic, but there’s more to it than meets the eye.

This holder is not just about aesthetics; it’s about functionality and comfort.

Design and Build

The holder itself is primarily made of plastic, but don’t let that deter you. Inside, it boasts a metal structure where the Joycons slide down into.

This ensures a snug fit and a secure hold. What’s interesting to note is that this specific model doesn’t come with any charging capabilities. It’s purely a holder.

So, if you’re looking for electronics or charging features, this might not be the one for you. However, it does have a connection feature, evident from the little lights on both sides, which I’ll delve into shortly.


One of the cool features of this holder is its connectivity lights. When you slide your Joycons into the holder, you’ll notice lights that move up or down.

This is the holder’s way of signaling that it’s trying to find and connect to the Switch. If your Switch is off, the connection won’t establish. But once you turn on your Switch and press buttons on both Joycons, voila!

The green light indicates a successful connection, and you’re all set to use it as your primary controller.


Using the Joycon Holder is a breeze. Once the Joycons are securely in place, you can easily navigate your Switch device. Whether you’re pushing the ‘A’ button or going back with the ‘B’ button, the response is seamless.

It’s as if you’re using the Joycons directly on the Switch, but with the added comfort of the holder.

Comfort and Experience

Now, let’s talk about the real game-changer: comfort. When I first laid my hands on this holder, I was a tad skeptical. With so many controllers available in the market, especially from Nintendo itself, why would this simple holder stand out?

But, to my surprise, it did! The ergonomic design of the handles provides a surprisingly comfortable grip. Out of all the controllers I’ve tried over the years, this one has become my go-to.

It’s convenient, especially since I don’t have to fuss about recharging the Joycons separately. I simply attach them back to the Switch, and they’re good to go.

Final Thoughts

The Nintendo Switch Joycon Holder might seem like a basic accessory, but it’s a testament to the saying, “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” It’s the original holder from Nintendo that comes with the Switch, and its quality is undeniable. Having used it for a couple of years now, I can vouch for its durability and comfort.

So, if you’re on the fence about getting one, I’d say go for it! It’s a small investment for a more comfortable gaming experience. Happy gaming!

Remember, it’s not always about the flashy gadgets; sometimes, the simplest tools can enhance your gaming experience tenfold. Until next time, game on!