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Ever found yourself at the mercy of a campfire, marshmallow skewered on a stick that’s just a tad too short, leaving you with singed eyebrows and a snack that’s more charred than toasted? Well, my fellow campfire enthusiasts, I’ve been there, done that, and got the T-shirt (which also smelled like smoke for days).

But fear not, because I’ve embarked on a quest to find the holy grail of roasting sticks, and I’ve got the scoop—and it’s not just melted marshmallow.

If you would prefer to watch my entire comparison of my MalloMe 34” Vs MalloMe Premium Marshmallow Roasting Sticks you can find it in the video below:

You can also find the items to learn more or purchase them by clicking below:

MalloMe 34” Roasting Stick

MalloMe Premium Marshmallow Roasting Sticks

The Great MalloMe Showdown: 34″ vs. Premium

Let’s set the scene: a beautiful evening, a crackling fire, and two contenders enter the ring. In one corner, we have the trusty MalloMe 34″ roasting stick, a veteran in the world of campfire cuisine.

And in the other corner, the shiny new MalloMe Premium, boasting an impressive reach and a promise of keeping your hands away from those treacherous flames.

Length Matters: The Tale of Two Sticks

  • MalloMe 34″ Roasting Stick: A solid choice, measuring up at exactly 34 inches.
  • MalloMe Premium Roasting Stick: The new heavyweight champion, stretching over 45 inches.

Now, you might be thinking, “It’s just 11 inches, what’s the big deal?” Oh, but in the world of campfire roasting, those 11 inches are the difference between a pleasant evening and turning into a human torch.

With the Premium stick, I could practically lounge back in my chair and roast with ease, while the 34″ had me leaning in like I was trying to tell the fire a secret.

Handle With Care: Grip and Comfort

The MalloMe 34″ has a handle that’s reminiscent of a simpler time, made of wood that spins freely like a game show wheel—exciting, but not always practical. Meanwhile, the Premium stick comes with a soft rubber grip, molded onto the metal like it was always meant to be there.

It’s like comparing a classic car to a modern sports car; both have their charm, but one definitely has heated seats.

Flexibility and Strength: The Bend and Snap

Both sticks have a bit of give, which is great for when you’re battling for the perfect roasting spot. But the Premium’s flexibility is like a gymnast—strong where it counts, but with enough bend to make an impressive finish.

The 34″, on the other hand, is more of a free spirit, bending all over and making you work a bit to keep your marshmallow from taking a dive.

The Verdict: Which Stick Takes the S’more?

After a night of rigorous testing (and eating), I’ve come to a conclusion. While both sticks have their merits, the MalloMe Premium is my champion.

It’s like having a personal bubble against the heat of the fire, and let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to roast marshmallows like a boss without breaking a sweat?

Final Thoughts: To Roast or Not to Roast?

In the end, it’s not just about the length or the grip—it’s about the experience. The MalloMe Premium roasting stick has changed the game for me.

No more do I have to perform a delicate dance with the flames, or go home smelling like I’ve been on a survival show. It’s all about enjoying the warmth of the fire, the company of friends, and the joy of a perfectly roasted treat.

So, grab your MalloMe stick of choice, gather around the fire, and let the good times roll. Just remember, with great length comes great responsibility—don’t let that extra reach go to your head, or you might just find yourself roasting from the next campsite over!

Happy roasting, folks! And remember, when it comes to campfire cooking, it’s not just the flavor—it’s the flair.