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Ever found yourself staring at a pile of crumbs in your car, wondering if a tiny vacuum could be your new best friend? Well, buckle up, because I’ve gone down the rabbit hole of handheld vacuums, and I’m taking you with me!

I’ve put the Blestan Car Vacuum head-to-head with the ServoMaster Car Vacuum, and let me tell you, it’s been a wild ride of dust bunnies and suction power showdowns.

If you would prefer to watch my entire comparison of my Blestan Car Vacuum Vs ServoMaster Car Vacuum you can find it in the video below:

You can also find the items to learn more or purchase them by clicking below:

Blestan Car Vacuum

ServoMaster Car Vacuum

The Showdown Begins: Size & Design

Let’s talk about the contenders. On the left corner, we have the compact warrior, the ServoMaster Car Vacuum. It’s like the little engine that could of vacuums – small but mighty.

Or so I thought. Then, there’s the Blestan Car Vacuum, flaunting its blue accents like it’s the cool kid of the vacuum world.

The ServoMaster is like that one friend who’s always underestimated because they’re pint-sized. But as we all know, size isn’t everything.

It’s sleek, it’s easy to store, and it’s USB-C rechargeable – modernity at its finest. However, the Blestan, with its larger stature, promises more dirt-busting capacity.

It’s the gentle giant, if you will, with a two-speed setting that’s ready to rumble.

Power Play: Suction and Speed

Now, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty – suction power. The ServoMaster has one speed, and it’s like a one-hit-wonder; it gives you all it’s got in a single burst.

You turn it on, and it’s like, “This is me, love it or leave it.” And honestly, I wanted to love it, I really did.

But then there’s the Blestan, playing it cool with its low and high settings, like it’s got secret moves just waiting to be unleashed.

When I tested them, the ServoMaster was like a polite guest at a dinner party, nibbling at the crumbs. Meanwhile, the Blestan was the life of the party, gobbling up dirt like it was going out of style.

On its high setting, it was like a mini tornado, making the debris disappear before my eyes.

The Cleanup Crew: Capacity and Filtration

Both vacuums boast a HEPA filter, which is like having a VIP bouncer at the club, only letting the clean air through. They’re both easy to snap open and empty – a click here, a snap there, and you’re ready to roll again.

The ServoMaster’s smaller bin is like a tiny purse at a club – good for the essentials. But the Blestan? It’s like bringing a backpack – ready for anything.

I took these bad boys for a spin in my pickup truck, which, let’s be honest, has seen cleaner days. The ServoMaster was like that friend who helps you clean up after a party but just moves the mess around.

The Blestan, on the other hand, was like a professional cleaning service, leaving nothing behind but clean surfaces.

The Verdict: Which Vacuum Cleans Up?

After all the dust settled (literally), if I had to pick a sidekick for my cleaning crusades, the Blestan Car Vacuum would be my trusty steed. It’s not just about the size or the power; it’s about the finesse and the thoroughness.

The ServoMaster gave it a good go, but the Blestan was the clear winner in this dust-up.

So, there you have it, folks. Whether you’re dealing with a glitter explosion from your last craft project or the aftermath of a beach day, the Blestan Car Vacuum is your go-to gadget.

And the ServoMaster? Well, it’s perfect for those light, “I just ate a cookie” kind of messes.

Remember, the right tool can make or break your cleaning game. And in this battle of the vacuums, the Blestan Car Vacuum sucked up the competition – quite literally.