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Today, we’re diving deep into the world of wasp and hornet sprays. If you’ve ever been in a situation where you needed to fend off these pesky insects, you know how crucial it is to have a reliable spray on hand.

Enter the Ortho Home Defense Wasp and Hornet Spray. With its bold claim of a 20-foot spray distance, we just had to put it to the test!

If you would prefer to watch a video of my full review and distance test of the Ortho Home Defense Wasp and Hornet Spray you can find it in the video below:

You can also find the item to learn more or purchase it by clicking here.

First Impressions

At first glance, the Ortho Home Defense spray promises a whopping 20-foot spray range. That’s quite an impressive distance, especially if you’re trying to tackle a nest that’s high up or in a tricky spot.

The packaging is clear and straightforward, and it gives you the impression that you’re in for a powerful experience.

The Test

To ensure accuracy, a tape measure was laid out, marking a distance of 20 feet from a barn. The idea was simple: to see if the spray could indeed cover the promised 20-foot distance in a straight horizontal shot.

Before using the spray, it’s essential to give it a good shake, as per the instructions. With the can all shook up, it was time for the moment of truth.


On the first attempt, the spray fell short. It didn’t quite reach the 20-foot mark. In fact, the furthest the foam reached was just under 18 feet, with the majority landing between 15 and 16 feet.

Not one to be easily deterred, a second attempt was made. This time, after shaking the can a bit more and using it slightly, the furthest the foam reached was about 19 feet.

However, most of it still landed between the 16 and 18-foot range.

Now, it’s essential to note that this test was conducted horizontally. If you’re aiming upwards, the results might vary.

But for those looking to tackle a nest straight ahead, it seems the 20-foot claim might be a tad optimistic.


While the distance test had its ups and downs, there’s good news! The Ortho Home Defense spray is effective at its primary job: killing wasps and hornets.

So, if you have a nest within its range, rest assured, those pesky insects don’t stand a chance.

Final Thoughts

If you’re in a situation where you need to target a wasp nest that’s high up, say in a two-story house, the Ortho Home Defense Wasp and Hornet Spray might not give you the full 20-foot range you’re hoping for.

However, for nests within its effective range (15-16ft in my test), it does the job brilliantly.

In conclusion, while the Ortho Home Defense spray might fall a tad short in the distance department, it’s a reliable ally in the battle against wasps and hornets. Stay safe and happy spraying!