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Hello, fellow clean freaks and gadget geeks! 🌟 Today, I’m diving deep into the world of Roomba brushes.

Yes, you heard it right! We’re talking about the iRobot Authentic Replacement Brushes and comparing them with the Livecast Generic Roomba Brushes Set.

So, grab your popcorn and let’s get into the nitty-gritty of these brush sets!

The Complete Package

Alright, let’s kick things off with what’s in the box. The Livecast set doesn’t just come with brushes; oh no, it’s like Christmas in a box! 🎁

It includes a couple of filters and some side brushes. It’s like the gift that keeps on giving! On the other hand, iRobot is more of a ‘what you see is what you get’ kind of deal, offering just the brushes.

If you want the extras, you’ll have to shell out some more bucks.

Livecast Set Includes:

  • Brushes
  • A couple of filters
  • Side brushes

iRobot Set Includes:

  • Just the brushes (extras sold separately)

Design and Durability

Now, let’s talk design. The Livecast brushes are like the skyscrapers of the brush world, sticking out a good ways from the edge.

They’re high and have these towering ridges, which, if you’re living in a hairy situation like me, with a wife and two daughters, can easily shred. 🏢💇‍♀️

The iRobot brushes, on the other hand, are more like cozy cottages, lower and less imposing. They’re less prone to shredding and tearing up due to hair wrapping around them.

I’ve been around the block with these brushes, and let me tell you, the generics just don’t last as long as the ones from iRobot.

Livecast Brushes:

  • Taller with high ridges
  • Prone to shredding due to hair

iRobot Brushes:

  • Lower and less imposing
  • More durable and less prone to damage

Fit and Functionality

Moving on to fit and functionality! Both sets are like twins when it comes to fit. They both pop in and out with ease, whether you’re dealing with trash or whatever.

But here’s the kicker, the iRobot has a center plastic to keep the foam from sliding around, and the Livecast, well, it’s a bit more rudimentary with just the center part, a small ring of plastic, and then the foam. 🤔

And, oh boy, I had a little piece come off on the generic one, and that’s never happened with the iRobot brushes. So, if you’re all about the details, this is something to chew on!

Livecast Brushes:

  • Basic construction
  • Prone to parts coming off

iRobot Brushes:

  • More intricate design
  • Durable with no parts coming off

Performance and Noise Level

Let’s get down to performance. I put both sets into my vacuum, and the generics were thicker, sticking out and hitting the floor more as they turned. The iRobot brushes left a bit more room, and the main difference was how much the Livecast brushes stuck up.

I tested them on the carpet and hard floor, and here’s the scoop: the generics are louder on the hard floor. I believe it’s because of the bigger flaps hitting the floor more.

It’s not noticeable on the carpet, but if you have hard floors, it’s like having a mini rock band in your living room! 🎸🥁

Livecast Brushes:

  • Louder on hard floors
  • Noticeable flapping noise

iRobot Brushes:

  • Quieter overall
  • No noticeable noise on hard floors

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, both sets have their perks. The Livecast comes with extra goodies, but the extra noise and less durability are the trade-offs.

The iRobot brushes may be a bit more on the minimalist side, but they are the silent, sturdy warriors of the brush world.

If I had to pick one, I’d go with the iRobot brushes. They may not come with the bells and whistles, but they’re like the reliable old friends who stick by you through thick and thin (and lots of hair!). 🌟

Livecast Set:

  • Extra accessories included
  • Less durable and noisier

iRobot Set:

  • Minimalist but reliable
  • Durable and quieter

So, there you have it, folks! The ultimate showdown between the iRobot Authentic Replacement Brushes and the Livecast Generic Roomba Brushes Set.

Whether you’re team skyscraper or team cottage, may your floors be forever clean and your brushes forever unshredded! Keep on vacuuming! 🎉